Inspection Services
Drone LiDAR Right-of-Way
Drone LiDAR services can provide inspection services power-line and pipe-line right-of-ways. With Drone LiDAR we can produce reports on vegetation clearance, ID danger trees, locate new erosion and monitor areas of concern with the ability to measure movement between surveys as little as a few centimeters in difference. Click learn more to visit our pages on right-of-way inspection with drone LiDAR or Contact us today to talk about how we can help you with your next project.
Drone Thermography
Drone Thermography takes the capability of thermal imaging cameras and elevates them to a new level. Adding the ability to inspect hard to reach components, cover large areas in less time, keep people out of the hazard zones and in some cases, even help save a life. Click learn more to visit our pages on thermography with drones or Contact us today to talk about how we can help you with your next project.
Drone Visuals
Aerial photos of a assets that are hard to reach like communications towers, electrical connections on high voltage power lines and bolted connections on tall steel structures are just some of the examples where aerial inspections with drones can be used. The use of drones in those examples makes an inspection job safer, less costly, quicker and requires less rigging and planning. Is eliminates the need for things like elevated platforms, scaffolding and fall arrest systems. Click learn more to visit our pages on Aerial photos with drones or Contact us today to talk about how we can help you with your next project.

Underwater Visuals & Mapping
Inspections of underwater features has never been this easy or affordable. 4K video footage, 12 MP still images and in some cases underwater 3D maps are the deliverables a client can expect from this service. Click Contact us today to talk about how we can help you with your next project.