Volume Surveying | Stockpile Volumes | Cut & Fill Volumes
Volume surveying with photogrammetry is a cost and time effective tool that many mining and construction companies already employ. Find out more about what it can be used for and why we at Rekon Solutions are best equip to take care of your volume surveying needs.

Rekon Solutions Inc are specialists when it comes to mapping volumes. We have over 100 stockpile volume and excavation volume surveys under our belt from clients we service monthly alone. Stockpile volumes are not the only use cases; mass excavations or fills, trenches, existing grade to design grade and timber volumes to list a few.

Working adjacent to airports, heliports or in busy city areas is nothing new for Rekon Solutions Inc. We work regularly with Nav Canada and coordinate with local and abroad control towers to coordinate our flights. No task is to complex for the team at Rekon, because we have the kowledge, training and skill, planning your next project with us will be simple.

From time onsite to volume report in had, Rekon is working hard to make sure you get the right information in the shortest period of time. For most of our clients we deliver volume reports within 3 days of when the site was mapped. For special cases we can even reduce that time.
Safety, expertise and expedience are great qualities but, if the numbers aren't right what is it worth? To make sure volumes reported are accurate, Rekon uses ground control and their accuracy is accounted for to the millimeter. A +/- amount is applied to all volumes reported based accuracy of each model. Typically we build a plan that will deliver +/- 2% accuracy but, we can get much better results when needed.