Terrestrial Laser Scanning

Terrestrial laser scanning allows designers and construction teams to employ the benefits of high density and high accuracy laser measurements from the ground to build a 3D model of the building or infrastructure of interest. With Rekon's laser sensing equipment measurements can be taken in minutes without the need for elaborate setups or costly shutdowns to buildings, plants or work sites.
Building information modeling (BIM) brings with it many benefits to the design and project management teams. Better project coordination and collaboration, the ability to visualize the work spaces three dimensionally, improved end product for projects and more efficient workflows.

Gathering the as built drawing and plans for old existing buildings is never a guarantee that what was drawn is what is currently in place. Using Rekon's 3D scanning service we can scan existing structures and provide a floor by floor 2 dimensional layout plan to accompany the standard 3 dimensional point cloud. Use these plans to compare against existing drawings, plan construction or inspection activities or just to update the current drawing themselves.

Rekon's 3D scanning is fast, agile, precise and a powerful tool for those involved in the design and planning for work in the structural, Civil, Plant, MEP (mechanical electrical and plumbing), architectural and construction industries. To find out more about how we can help you make your next project more efficient, better coordinated, reduce rework and improve the quality of the end product contact us today.

With a dense 3D point cloud scan of the existing structure, features like HVAC ducting, fire water piping, sewer piping, drainage, columns, beams, doors and windows can all be located precisely. This allows the design team to build a design that takes into consideration more accurately the current site conditions. This leads to designs that have less chance of conflicts and issues with what is currently in place.

Buildings and structures that can be scanned range as wide as you can imagine. Typical structures that we have seen in the past range from residential buildings, commercial buildings, parking structures, bridges, suspended walkways, trestles, tunnels, highway overpasses and farm buildings. There is almost no limit to the types of building and structures that can be captured, most of the limitation rest with the operator and what environments are safe to work in and access.